Welcome to the Interoperability Test Bed


Are You on the Right Track for Geospatial Data Interoperability?

Test it with our MIM 7 Compliance Testing Platform!

In an ideal world, all organizations would seamlessly share systems and services. However, differing needs create interoperability challenges. Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) address this by offering a vendor-neutral, technology-agnostic framework that supports collaboration and innovation in smart cities. Supported by Open & Agile Smart Cities & Communities (OASC) and approved by Living-in.EU through MIMs Plus, MIMs ensure effective interoperability. 

Why Test Your MIM 7 Compliance?

MIM7 focuses on providing minimal interoperability mechanisms for geospatial data, a key component of smart cities. Aligning with MIM7 ensures you stay at the forefront of interoperability. Supported by Riga as the champion and sponsor, and in partnership with OASC, INSPIRE, and Kereval, we aim to guide you on your path toward geospatial data interoperability and help assess your progress. 

How We Manage Confidentiality

Only Riga, as the host of the testing platform, and Kereval, as the administrator, have access to your test results and your systems under test. Other users do not have access to your data. Rest assured, no communication about your results is permitted, and no use of your systems under test is allowed. 

​What Does Registering in the Testing Community Imply?

Registering in the community essentially means providing us with feedback regarding the testing methods and tools we are developing through the form available on the platform once you sign in. You are, of course, welcome to go further and join the MIM7 working group led by OASC. 

How to Get Started? It's Super Simple!

  • First Sign Up by registering in a public community
  • After registering, you can log in to start testing your systems.

New to the Test Bed?Register in a public community.

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